Monday mornings can be tough enough without having a forced weekly reunion with your allergy symptoms the moment you walk in the door at the office.
That’s how it is for the millions of allergy sufferers whose triggers lurk at work.
And if they’ve managed to create a relatively allergy-free zone in their homes, the rude awakening of Monday morning reentry can be that much worse.
You want your employees comfortable so that their attention remains focused on the job, not on their discomfort or fatigue. Unaddressed allergy problems can take a big bite out of productivity, costing your company time and money and putting your workers at risk. To keep everyone safe and healthy, make your office environment as irritant-free as possible.
Mind the air quality in the office, and take some simple steps to help everyone breathe easier:
Address specific triggers as needed. Whether that requires using chemical-free cleaning products, cleaning or maintaining the air ducts, or simply keeping the windows closed against outdoor allergens, any measures you take to help those who suffer from allergies at work will help preserve their comfort and thus the quality of your workforce.
If an employee wears a strong fragrance that is offensive to coworkers, handle the situation tactfully by sending an e-mail to the whole staff requesting the use of good judgment with regard to personal care products that might aggravate allergies. (If this doesn’t take care of the problem, you will probably need to be more direct.)
Place an office-wide ban on air fresheners, candles, potpourri, and similar fragrant items. One person’s delightful scent is another’s allergy attack.
Be mindful of workers who miss a lot of work for cold-type symptoms; they could have undiagnosed allergies, and getting help for that may improve their health (and cut down on their use of sick days).
Encourage your employees to notify you or their supervisors of any allergy-related problems they face at work. You can’t eliminate every dust mite or prevent every sniffle, but you can make small changes that may help alleviate their misery.